Task List Switch to VB Application Fails After ALT+F4 Close

ID Number: Q81469




Selecting the Close command from the Control menu (ALT+F4) to quit a

Visual Basic application will not necessarily unload any other forms

that have been loaded. If other forms have been loaded but are not

visible, the application may still be running under Windows. If this

is the case, the Windows Task List will still contain the name of the

application. Attempting to switch to the application from the Windows

Task List will be unsuccessful.

If you want the application to terminate as a result of unloading a

particular form, place an End statement in the Form_Unload event

procedure for the form, or use the Unload statement to unload all

forms that are loaded. This will cause all forms (visible and

invisible) to be unloaded, and the application to terminate.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Even if the form that is closed is the designated startup form in your

application, it will not automatically unload previously loaded forms.

Therefore, the application can in fact still be running and appear in

the Windows Task List. You can terminate the application by selecting

the End Task button in the Windows Task List, but you will not be able

to switch to the task.

Below are the steps necessary to cause an application to terminate

when a particular form is closed from the Control menu (ALT+F4).

With the application loaded in VB.EXE (the Visual Basic development

environment), do the following:

1. Double-click on the form to open the Code window.

2. Add an End statement to the Form_Unload event procedure for the


Sub Form_Unload (Cancel As Integer)

'your code goes here


End 'this will unload all forms and terminate the


End Sub

Adding an End statement to the Unload event procedure of a form will

not cause the Unload event procedures for the other forms to be

called. To cause the Unload event procedures for the other forms to

be called, use the Unload statement to explicitly unload each form.

You can prevent the user from closing a form from the Control menu by

setting the ControlBox property to False at design time.

Additional reference words: 1.00