Animated Button Custom Control: Refresh Doesn't Redraw Border

ID Number: Q81471




When two Animated Button (ANIBUTON.VBX) custom controls are overlapped

and if the BorderStyle is set to 1 - Single, then when one of the

controls is refreshed, the border of that control is not redrawn. This

behavior is by design.

The standard picture control shows the same behavior when overlapped.

Either using the Refresh method or causing an implicit refresh by

clicking on the control being overlapped will demonstrate the


Note that Visual Basic version 1.0 does not support overlapping

controls. If you want to overlap controls, set BorderStyle to 0 -


This information applies to Microsoft Professional Toolkit for

Microsoft Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

1. Run Visual Basic, or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT,

F, N) if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 is created by


2. From the File menu, choose Add File. In the Files list box, select

the ANIBUTON.VBX custom control file. The Animated Button tool will

appear in the toolbox.

3. Add two Animated Button controls to the form with one overlapping

the other, and set the BorderStyle property for both to 1 - Single.

4. From the VB.EXE Run menu, choose Start, then choose Break.

5. In the Immediate window, enter Anibutton1.Refresh or

Anibutton2.Refresh, depending on which control is overlapped by the


The formerly overlapped border is not redrawn when the control is


Alternatively, in run mode, click on the overlapped control; the

result is the same.



To work around this behavior, set the BorderStyle property to 0 - None

for the controls. Avoid using overlapped controls.

Additional reference words: 1.00