VB Key Status: Autosize Property Affects Height and Width

ID Number: Q81952




In the Professional Toolkit for Visual Basic, the Key Status control

(KEYSTAT.VBX) allows you to show and set the current status of the

CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, SCROLL LOCK and INSERT keys. One of the features

of the Key Status control is its ability to size itself (the Autosize

property) to its original dimensions. The property that affects this

feature is Autosize. If Autosize is set to True (the default setting),

the control's Height and Width properties will remain at, or be reset

to, its predetermined values. The size of the control cannot be

changed if Autosize is set to True. If the Autosize property is set to

False, the Height and Width properties can be changed to reflect the

desired control size.

Note: Autosize can be set at both design time and run time.

This information applies to Microsoft Professional Toolkit for

Microsoft Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows.

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