PRWIN9202001: UAE Using CopyMetaFile to Copy from Floppy

ID Number: Q80842



buglist3.00 fixlist3.10




When an application calls the CopyMetaFile function to read a

metafile from a floppy disk after a call to the GetMetaFile

function, an unrecoverable application error (UAE) occurs. The UAE

occurs only for the first call to CopyMetaFile after a call to

GetMetaFile for each Windows session. The following code fragment

demonstrates this UAE:

hMTF1 = GetMetaFile("a:\\pict.wmf");

if (hMTF1 != NULL) {

hMTF2 = CopyMetaFile(hMTF1 , NULL); // UAE here!




Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows version

3.0. To avoid this problem, copy the metafile from the floppy disk-

based file into a memory buffer. Then copy the metafile from the

buffer to the destination. A code fragment demonstrating this

technique appears below.

This problem was corrected in Windows version 3.1.

More Information:

The following code fragment provides a method to work around this

problem. Although error checking has been omitted from this example to

improve readability of the code, the values returned from each

function must be checked in production code.

// ------------- variables --------------

int hDiskMF; // MS-DOS file handle

DWORD lFileLength; // Disk metafile length

HANDLE hMem; // Handle to file buffer

LPSTR lpMem; // Pointer to file buffer

HANDLE hMF; // Handle to memory metafile

// ------------- code fragment --------------

// Get handle to file.

hDiskMF = _lopen("a:\\pict.wmf", OF_READ);

// Get file length.

// NOTE: Must be <= 0x7FFF for this example.

lFileLength = _llseek(hDiskMF, 0, 2);

// Allocate buffer.

hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, lFileLength + 1);

// Get pointer to locked buffer.

lpMem = GlobalLock(hMem);

// Reset file pointer and read the file.

_llseek(hDiskMF, 0, 0);

_lread(hDiskMF, lpMem, (WORD) lFileLength);



// Copy disk metafile at hMem to hMF.

hMF = CopyMetaFile(hMem, NULL);


// ------------- end code fragment --------------

Additional reference words: 3.00 GetMetaFile UAE