VB DDE to Excel with Embedded TAB Can Truncate String in Excel

ID Number: Q82157




If you send strings containing TAB characters in a dynamic data

exchange (DDE) conversation from Microsoft Visual Basic to Microsoft

Excel, the string may be truncated in Excel if you specify a specific

row and column in the Visual Basic LinkItem property. If you do not

specify a column in the LinkItem property but only specify a specific

row, your string will be parsed by Excel, and each TAB will cause the

characters following the TAB to be entered into the following cell in


This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

This behavior occurs when the following is true:

- A string that you are trying to send to Excel through DDE contains

an embedded TAB.

- You set your LinkItem property to a specific Excel cell (both row

and column, such as R1C1, meaning row 1 column 1).

The attempted conversation will result in a truncated string. For

example, if you pass the following string to Excel

"The cow jumped" + Chr$(9) + "over the moon"

and if the two conditions above are true, the only thing you will see

on the Excel side is "The cow jumped". The rest of the string will be


The following code example passes strings to Excel from a list box

with TAB-delimited columns. Run the program twice, and uncomment the

LinkItem line to see the different behavior.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior


1. Run Visual Basic, or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT,

F, N) if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 is created by


2. Put a text box on the form (Form1), and change the CtlName property

to "ddebox".

3. Put a list box (List1) and a command button (Command1) on Form1.

4. Add the following code to the Form_Load procedure:

Sub Form_Load ()


' Add items to list box with TABs embedded

List1.AddItem "hey" + Chr$(9) + "is"

List1.AddItem "for" + Chr$(9) + "horses"

End Sub

5. Add the following code to the Command1_Click procedure:

Sub Command1_Click ()

Const NONE = 0, COLD = 2 ' Define constants.

If ddebox.LinkMode = NONE Then

Z% = Shell("Excel", 4) ' Start Excel.

' Set link topic.

ddebox.LinkTopic = "Excel|Sheet1"

ddebox.LinkItem = "" ' Set link item.

ddebox.LinkMode = COLD ' Set link mode.

End If

' loop through all items in list box:

For i% = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1

Row$ = Format$(i% + 1) ' format row variable

' ddebox.LinkItem = "R"+Row$ ' Take out comment to send entire

' string.

' Comment next line when uncommenting above line

ddebox.LinkItem = "R" + Row$ + "C1" ' This statement truncates

' string in Excel.

ddebox.text = List1.list(i%) 'assign text box to list box string

ddebox.LinkPoke ' send the string to Excel


ddebox.LinkMode = NONE

End Sub

For best results, make sure Excel is not running before you start the

program. When you start the program, notice the list box has the

strings added to it during the form Load event. If you choose the

command button to initialize the DDE conversation with the program

typed in exactly as shown, the following will appear in Excel:

hey ' This will be in cell A1

for ' This will be in cell A2

If you change the assignment statement of the LinkItem of the ddebox


ddebox.LinkItem = "R" + Row$ + "C1"


ddebox.LinkItem = "R"+ Row$

notice that the entire string is passed to Excel with the following


hey is ' These words will be in A1 and B1

for horses ' These words will be in A2 and B2

The reason for this behavior is that Excel uses TABs as its delimiter.

You can use this method to send multiple items to Excel, placing them

in their own cells if desired. If that is not the desired result, you

will have to make sure you compensate for the lost parts of the string.

Additional reference words: 1.00