How to Create a Form with no Title Bar in VB for Windows

ID Number: Q83349




To create a Visual Basic form with a border but with no title bar, the

Caption property of a form must be set to null; the BorderStyle

property must be set to Fixed Single (1), Sizable (2) or Fixed Double;

and the ControlBox, MaxButton and MinButton properties must be set to

False (0). If any text (including spaces) exists for the Caption

property or if the ControlBox, MaxButton, or MinButton property is set

to True, a title bar will appear on the form. Note that setting the

BorderStyle property to None (0) will always result in a form with no

title bar.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Even with the ControlBox, MaxButton, and MinButton properties of a

form set to False (0) and the BorderStyle set to Fixed Single (1),

Sizable (2) or Fixed Double (3), the form will still have a title bar

unless the Caption property is set to null. Setting the Caption to

blanks will leave a title bar with no title.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior


1. Run Visual Basic, or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT,

F, N) if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 is created by


2. From the Properties bar, set the ControlBox, MaxButton, and

MinButton properties to False.

3. Set the Caption property to at least one space.

4. Press F5 to run the program. The form will have a title bar

without a title.

5. Press CTRL+BREAK to return to design mode.

6. Set the Caption property to null (that is, delete all characters

including spaces).

7. Press F5 to run the program. There should be no title bar on

the form.

You can also have a form with no title bar by setting the BorderStyle

property to None (0).

Additional reference words: 1.00