ID Number: Q66548
To specify a font for a dialog box using the Dialog Editor, from the
Edit menu, choose Styles. In this dialog, it is possible to select a
new font and/or new font size.
The values displayed in the Point Size combo box are actually logical
font sizes. To specify point sizes for the dialog box font, it is
necessary to use a text editor to change the number in the FONT
statement of the .DLG file to the desired point size.
More Information:
The Dialog Editor displays font sizes as logical sizes, not point
sizes. This can present a problem when the dialog is sized and
aligned. For example, if Helv 16 is specified in the Dialog Editor as
the new font and size, the Dialog Editor will write as the FONT
statement in the .DLG script, "FONT 16, Helv." When this dialog is
then displayed in the application, the specified size is interpreted
as a point size and not a logical size. The result is a 16-point font,
which is much larger than the font size that was displayed in the
Dialog Editor.
Because the Dialog Editor displays logical sizes, the point size
needed in the .DLG script must be calculated. The basic formula to
calculate point sizes is as follows
(Height - Internal Leading) * 72
points = ----------------------------------
Height: The height of the font, in pixels. This is the number that
the dialog editor displays for font size.
Internal leading: The space for diacritical marks. This is the
space reserved for accents, umlauts, and tildes. This value may
be obtained from the TEXTMETRIC structure.
72: This value is derived from the fact that 1 point equals 1/72 of
an inch.
LOGPIXELSY: The number of pixels that fit into a logical inch on
the display. You can obtain this value by calling
GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY). For an 8514 device, this value
is 120; for a VGA display, this value is 96.
Once the point size for the desired font has been calculated, the .DLG
file created by the Dialog Editor should be edited. The FONT statement
should be changed to reflect the desired point size. In the example
above, the FONT statement should be changed from "FONT 16, Helv" to
"FONT 8, Helv." Unfortunately, the Dialog Editor is not fully WYSIWYG.
Therefore, the size of the dialog as displayed by the Dialog Editor
and the size of the dialog as displayed by an application may still
differ slightly. The method described above should minimize this