INF: General Information Regarding Dynamic-Link Libraries

ID Number: Q76476

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Dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) are very useful tools in Windows

programming. Many applications can use the code in a DLL, meaning that

only one copy of the code is resident in the system. It is possible to

update a DLL without changing applications that use the DLL, as long

as the interface to the functions in the DLL does not change.

This article provides some general information regarding DLLs.

More Information:

The small and medium memory models are the preferred memory models for

Windows applications and DLLs. By default, the compact and large

memory models create multiple data segments. These data segments are

fixed in the memory space and cause difficulties for all applications

running in Windows. Fixed segments in standard and enhanced modes can

cause fragmentation of the heap. Because of a problem in Windows 3.0,

all fixed segments are also page-locked, and can overburden the

enhanced-mode virtual memory manager.

When compiling a DLL with the Microsoft C Compiler, specify the -Aw

switch so that the code generator does not assume that the

application's stack segment is equal to its data segment (SS != DS).

The generated code will not automatically load DS at each module entry

point. The -An switch should be used to specify near data, and the -As

or -Al switch to specify near or far code, respectively.

When writing code in DLLs, it is important to remember that SS != DS.

This is an issue when an application function passes a pointer to one

of its local variables to the DLL function. In Microsoft C, all near

pointers are assumed to be relative to DS. The way to avoid problems

is to either:

- Use a function prototype declaring the parameter to be a FAR


- Explicitly cast the parameter to FAR.

When using Microsoft C run-time functions, specify the model

independent functions; for example: _fmemcpy, _fmemset.

The -Gw compiler switch generates the Windows prolog and epilog code.

When a function is called, the prolog saves the current data segment

on the stack. When memory moves in real mode, Windows "walks" the

stack and changes the stored DS values to reflect the memory motion.

The prolog code is not required when a DLL will be used only in

protected mode. There are two restrictions when choosing not to use

the -Gw switch in protected mode:

1. Windows debuggers will not be able to properly provide stack trace


2. Exported functions must include the _loadds attribute in the

declaration of the function. The following is an example


BOOL FAR PASCAL _loadds ExportedFunction(VOID)

DLL functions that will be called from applications should be declared

with the FAR modifier because an intersegment jump is required from

the application. Functions that are only called from within the DLL

may be declared NEAR. The PASCAL or _cdecl calling conventions may be

used as appropriate. Functions called from Windows must be declared

using the PASCAL calling convention.

When exporting _cdecl functions in the module definition (DEF) file,

one must maintain the case of the function name and use an underscore

prefix. For example:



_ExportedFunction @2

A DLL is limited to one instance. The DATA SINGLE or DATA NONE

statements can be used in the DEF file to specify that the DLL should

have a data segment of its own or not. Because a DLL does not have a

stack of its own, automatic variables are allocated from the stack of

the calling application.

DLLs can maintain data by using the local or global memory allocation

routines. In most cases, memory allocated by GlobalAlloc is owned by

the calling task. Global memory allocated by DLLs with GMEM_DDESHARE

specified is owned by the DLL. When using local memory management

functions, allocations are performed within the current data segment.

Therefore, the handles returned from these calls are only valid when

processed by the DLL.

Naming the segments within the DLL, keeping segment size less than 16K

and specifying the segment options PRELOAD, LOADONCALL, MOVEABLE, and

DISCARDABLE, as appropriate, will ease memory requirements and

simplify the task of the memory manager.

There are three methods to access the functions in the DLL:

1. List the names of the functions in the IMPORTS section in the

application's DEF file.

2. Link the application to an import library generated from the DLL's

DEF file using the IMPLIB utility.

3. Use the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress functions to load the

library and retrieve a pointer to the function, respectively. This

dynamic-dynamic linking method is the most powerful.

These methods are documented in Section 20.4.2 of the "Microsoft

Windows Guide to Programming," pages 20-31 through 20-34.

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