Cobb Group "Inside Visual Basic" Journal Article Titles

ID Number: Q83351




"Inside Visual Basic" is a monthly magazine published by The Cobb

Group, Inc.

The following article titles are reprinted with permission from the

Cobb Group's "Inside Visual Basic" Ó January and February 1992


For more information, contact the Cobb Group at the following address

and phone number:

The Cobb Group, Inc.

9420 Bunsen Parkway

Suite 300

Louisville, KY 40220

(800) 223-8720

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

January 1992 Issue Contents


"Creating a new control -- The combo dropdown list box"

"Wither Basic data-type codes"

"Keeping users informed with minimized icons"

"Speeding up list box clearing"

"Managing data in multiple database formats with QELIB"

"Displaying your forms faster"

"Simplify debugging and maintenance with a good naming convention"

"Creating smaller VB EXEs"

"Stop draggin' that text around"

"Soup to nuts software"

February 1992 Issue Contents


"Creating your own VB help system"

"VB classes available"

"VB books available"

"Where'd those !@#$%^ characters go?"

"Help is just a button away"

"Adding hot keys to your programs"

"Anyone need a sort?"

"Keeping your perspectives when resizing forms"

"Source code listings"

Additional reference words: 1.00