Windows Limit of Eight DDE Hot Links at Once, VB to Excel

ID Number: Q83352





The Microsoft Windows 3.0 operating system and Visual Basic version

1.0 limit the number of DDE hot links that you can send all at one


This limitation occurs when you try to pass more than eight DDE links

all at one time from Visual Basic version 1.0 to Microsoft Excel

version 3.0. This limitation is demonstrated below.

The example below can be reproduced as a control array, but even with

a control array, the problem still exists.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows, to Microsoft Excel version 3.0 for Windows,

and to Microsoft Windows version 3.0.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Run Visual Basic, or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT,

F, N) if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 is created by


2. Place nine text boxes and four command buttons on Form1.

3. Place the following constants in the general Declarations section

of Form1:

Const hot = 1

Const cold = 2

4. In the Form_Load event procedure, place the following code:

Sub Form_Load ( )

z% = Shell("c:\excel\excel.exe c:\excel\server.xls", 1)

z% = DoEvents()

Text1.Text = "" '** Clear the text boxes

Text2.Text = ""

Text3.Text = ""

Text4.Text = ""

Text5.Text = ""

Text6.Text = ""

Text7.Text = ""

Text8.Text = ""

Text9.Text = ""

Text1.LinkMode = none

Text1.LinkTopic = "Excel|c:\excel\server.xls"

Text1.LinkMode = hot

Text1.LinkItem = "R1C1"

Text2.LinkMode = none

Text2.LinkTopic = "Excel|c:\excel\server.xls"

Text2.LinkMode = hot

Text2.LinkItem = "R1C2"

Text3.LinkMode = none

Text3.LinkTopic = "Excel|c:\excel\server.xls"

Text3.LinkMode = hot

Text3.LinkItem = "R1C3"

Text4.LinkMode = none

Text4.LinkTopic = "Excel|c:\excel\server.xls"

Text4.LinkMode = hot

Text4.LinkItem = "R2C1"

Text5.LinkMode = none

Text5.LinkTopic = "Excel|c:\excel\server.xls"

Text5.LinkMode = hot

Text5.LinkItem = "R2C2"

Text6.LinkMode = none

Text6.LinkTopic = "Excel|c:\excel\server.xls"

Text6.LinkMode = hot

Text6.LinkItem = "R2C3"

Text7.LinkMode = none

Text7.LinkTopic = "Excel|c:\excel\server.xls"

Text7.LinkMode = hot

Text7.LinkItem = "R3C1"

Text8.LinkMode = none

Text8.LinkTopic = "Excel|c:\excel\server.xls"

Text8.LinkMode = hot

Text8.LinkItem = "R3C2"

Text9.LinkMode = none

Text9.LinkTopic = "Excel|c:\excel\server.xls"

Text9.LinkMode = hot

Text9.LinkItem = "R3C3"

End Sub

5. Change the Command1 button caption to "Poke". In the Poke command

button, place the following code: (Notice that even with the

DoEvents function the problem still exists. You should also set the

caption on Command2 button to "Request".)

Sub Command1_Click ( ) '** Poke Button


t% = DoEvents()


t% = DoEvents()


t% = DoEvents()


t% = DoEvents()


t% = DoEvents()


t% = DoEvents()


t% = DoEvents()


t% = DoEvents()


End Sub

6. Place the following code in the HOT command button after changing

the caption to HOT:

Sub Command3_Click ( ) '** HOT button

Command1.Enabled = -1 '** set Poke to TRUE

Command2.Enabled = 0 '** set Request to FALSE

End Sub

7. Place the following code in the COLD command button after changing

the caption to COLD:

Sub Command3_Click ( ) '**COLD button

Command1.Enabled = 0 '** set Poke to FALSE

Command2.Enabled = -1 '** set Request to TRUE

End Sub

8. Run the example by adding text to the nine text boxes and then

choosing the HOT button. The next step is to select the Poke

button, and about a minute later, you should receive the "Timeout

while waiting for DDE response" error on the "Text1.LinkPoke"


You can avoid this problem by changing one of the "Text.LinkMode =

hot" statements to "Text.LinkMode = cold".

You will NOT receive the "Timeout while waiting for DDE response"

error if you try nine cold links being sent all at one time.

Therefore, you can change all nine of the "Textx.LinkMode = hot"

statements to "Textx.LinkMode = cold" statements, then run the program

the same way as mentioned in step 7 above (selecting the HOT button

and Poke buttons still) without any error.

Additional reference words: 1.00 3.00