VB "Bad DLL Calling Convention" Means Stack Frame Mismatch

ID Number: Q85108




When you call a dynamic link library (DLL) function from Visual Basic,

the "Bad DLL Calling Convention" error is often caused by incorrectly

omitting or including the ByVal keyword from the Declare statement or

Call statement. The ByVal keyword affects the size of data placed on

the stack. Visual Basic checks the change in the position of the stack

pointer to detect this error.

When Visual Basic generates the run time error "Bad DLL Calling

Convention," the most common cause when calling API functions is

omitting the ByVal keyword from the Declaration of the external

function or from the call itself. It can also occur due to including

the ByVal keyword when the function is expecting a 4 byte pointer to

the parameter instead of the value itself. This changes the size

(number of bytes) of the values placed on the stack, and upon return

from the DLL, Visual Basic detects the change in the position of the

stack frame and generates the error.

More Information:

There are two calling conventions, or inter-language protocols: the

Pascal/Basic/FORTRAN calling convention, and the C calling convention.

Visual Basic uses the Pascal calling convention, as do the Window API

functions and other Microsoft Basic language products. Under the

Pascal convention, it is the responsibility of the called procedure to

adjust or clean the stack. (In addition, parameters are pushed onto

the stack in order from the leftmost parameter to the rightmost.)

Because the DLL function is responsible for adjusting the stack based

on the type and number of parameters it expects, Visual Basic checks

the position of the stack pointer upon return from the function. If

the called routine has adjusted the stack to an unexpected position,

then Visual Basic generates a "Bad DLL Calling Convention" error.

Visual Basic assumes a stack position discrepancy because the DLL

function uses the C calling convention. With the C calling convention,

the calling program is responsible for adjusting the stack immediately

after the called routine returns control.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior


Create a simple DLL using Quick C for Windows or any compiler capable

of creating Windows DLLs. The following example is in C and written

for Quick C for Windows:



#include <windows.h>

long far pascal typecheck (long a, float b, short far *c, char far *buff)


short retcode;

a = a * 3;

retcode = MessageBox(NULL, "I am in the DLL", "BOX", MB_OK);

return (a);






STUB 'winstub.exe'






typecheck @1

WEP @2

In a Visual Basic form, in the general Declarations module:

Declare Function typecheck Lib "d\stacking.dll" (ByVal a As Long,

ByVal b As Single, c As Integer, ByVal s As String) As Long

Note: The above declaration must be placed on one line.

In the Form_Click event:

Sub Form_Click ()

Dim a As Long 'Explicitly type the variables

Dim b As Single

Dim c As Integer

Dim s As String

a = 3 'Initialize the variables

b = 4.5

c = 6

s = "Hello there! We've been waiting for you!"

Print typecheck(a, b, c, s)

End Sub

Running the program as written above will not generate the error. Now

add the ByVal keyword before the variable named c in the Visual Basic

Declaration. Run the program. Note that the MessageBox function pops a

box first, and then the error box pops up indicating that Visual Basic

checks the stack upon return to see if it has been correctly adjusted.

Because the DLL expected a 4-byte pointer and received a 2-byte value,

the stack has not adjusted back to the initial frame.

As another test, first remove the ByVal keyword before the variable c

that you added in the previous test. Declare the parameter a As Any

instead of As Long. Change the type of the variable a in the

Form_Click to Integer. Run the program again. Using As Any turns off

type checking by Visual Basic. Because the program passed an integer

ByVal instead of the long that the DLL expected, the stack frame is

off and the error is generated.


"Microsoft BASIC 7.0: Programmer's Guide" for versions 7.0 and 7.1,

pages 423-426

"Microsoft Visual Basic Programmer's Guide," version 1.0, pages


Additional reference words: 1.00