INF: Installed Language, Character Set, and Code Page

ID Number: Q80947




Windows 3.0 supports a number of national languages, character sets,

and code pages. Windows 3.0 does not, however, contain a function to

provide information about what language, character set, or code page

is installed. An application developed for the Windows environment can

read the contents of the WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files to determine

what support is installed. This article details how to obtain this


More Information:

Current language information is available in the SYSTEM.INI file. In

the [keyboard] section, if the oemansi.bin= line has an entry in the

form "xlatXXX.bin," XXX is the number of the installed code page. The

Latin 2 character set corresponds to code page 852.

The installed national language support is also available in the

SYSTEM.INI file. In the [boot] section, if the language.dll= line has

an entry in the form "langXXX.dll," XXX is the three-letter

abbreviation for the name of the country.

The three-letter abbreviations are listed in the [language] and

[codepages] section of the SETUP.INF file. The Windows Setup program

copies SETUP.INF into the Windows system directory (by default,


Note: Windows 3.0 does not update the sLanguage field in the [intl]

section of the WIN.INI file when support for the Eastern European

(Latin 2) character set is installed.

For additional information, see "Adapt Your Program for Worldwide Use

with Windows Internationalization Support" starting on page 29 of the

Nov-Dec 1991 issue (volume 6, number 6) of the "Microsoft Systems


Additional reference words: 3.00