INF: Microsoft Drag-Drop Server Strategy

ID Number: Q81047




Windows version 3.1 supports a drag-drop protocol that enables an

application to be the client of File Manager. When an application

implements the drag-drop feature, a user can select one or more files

in File Manager, drag them to a client application, and drop them. At

this point, the client application receives a message and it can

determine which files were dropped and the exact location at which the

files were dropped.

At present, version 3.1 of the File Manager is the only server

application that supports the drag-drop protocol. Although no Windows

function is available to enable an application to become a drag-drop

server, Microsoft intends to provide this functionality in a future

release of Windows.

The drag-drop interface mechanism will change to provide additional

functionality that can be used by a future server application to

support application cooperation and shell integration. The new

mechanism will continue to support the Windows 3.1 drag-drop client
