VB Grid Cell Border May Not Display with Some BackColors

ID Number: Q83759




There are some BackColor property values for the Grid custom control

that will cause the cell borders to become invisible. The borders of

Grid cells are light gray. If you set the BackColor of the Grid to

light gray, you will not be able to distinguish the borders from the

background of the Grid control.

This information applies to the Grid custom control supplied with

Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Basic programming

system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:



To work around this behavior, you should change the Grid default

BackColor(&H00000000&) to a color other than light gray.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior


There are two ways to lose the outline of Grid cell borders:

- Specifically set the Grid BackColor property at design time or

run time to light gray (&H00C0C0C0&).

- Set the Windows Background color to gray from the Windows Control

Panel. Note that users of your application may encounter this

behavior simply by customizing the window colors from the Windows

Control Panel.

Additional reference words: 1.00