How to Draw an Ellipse with Circle Statement in VB

ID Number: Q83906




This article describes how to use the Circle statement to draw an ellipse

of a specified width and height by calculating the radius and aspect

ratio appropriate for the dimensions of the ellipse and the units of

measurement, determined by the ScaleMode property.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

The Circle statement takes two arguments that determine the shape of

the ellipse drawn: the radius and the aspect ratio. For example:

Circle (x, y), radius,,,, aspect

The aspect ratio is the y-radius divided by the x-radius of the

ellipse drawn. An aspect ratio of 1.0 (the default) yields a perfect

(non-elliptical) circle. If the aspect ratio is less than one, the

radius argument specifies the x-radius. If the aspect ratio is greater

than one, the radius argument specifies the y-radius. Both the

x-radius and the y-radius are measured in units of the x-axis.

Steps to Create Example Program


1. Run Visual Basic, or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT,

F, N) if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 is created by


2. Enter the following code in the Form1_Click event procedure:

Sub Form_Click ()


' Set x-axis units different from y-axis to demonstrate

' that the ellipse still comes out right.

Form1.ScaleWidth = Rnd * 100

Form1.ScaleHeight = Rnd * 100

Print "ScaleWidth = "; Format$(Form1.ScaleWidth, "#")

Print "ScaleHeight = "; Format$(Form1.ScaleHeight, "#")

' Print the dimensions of the ellipse.

' Draw an ellipse centered on the form and touching the

' borders.

w = Form1.ScaleWidth / 2

h = Form1.ScaleHeight / 2

Call ellipse(Form1, w, h, w, h)

End Sub

3. Enter the following code in the general Declarations section:

' ellipse(frm, x, y, w, h)

' Purpose

' Draws an ellipse on a form.

' Parameters

' frm -- the form to draw on

' x, y -- specify the center of the ellipse.

' w, h -- specify the width and height.


Sub ellipse (frm As Form, ByVal x!, ByVal y!, ByVal w!, ByVal h!)

Dim swt As Long ' ScaleWidth in twips

Dim sht As Long ' ScaleHeight in twips

Dim k As Double ' conversion factor for x-units to y-units

Dim ar As Double ' aspect ratio

Dim r As Single ' radius

Dim save_mode As Integer ' for saving and restoring ScaleMode

Dim save_width As Single ' for saving and restoring ScaleWidth

Dim save_height As Single ' for saving and restoring ScaleHeight

' Check arguments.

If w <= 0 Or h <= 0 Then Stop

' Determine form dimensions in twips.

save_mode = frm.ScaleMode ' save Scale... properties

save_width = frm.ScaleWidth

save_height = frm.ScaleHeight

frm.ScaleMode = 1 ' set units to twips

swt = frm.ScaleWidth

sht = frm.ScaleHeight

frm.ScaleMode = save_mode ' restore Scale... properties

If frm.ScaleMode = 0 Then

frm.ScaleWidth = save_width

frm.ScaleHeight = save_height

End If

' Compute conversion factor of x-axis units to y-axis units.

k = frm.ScaleWidth / frm.ScaleHeight * sht / swt

' Compute aspect ratio and radius.

ar = k * h / w

If ar <= 1 Then

r = w


r = k * h

End If

' Draw the ellipse.

frm.Circle (x, y), r, , , , ar

End Sub

4. Press F5 to run the program, then click on the form.

The program draws an ellipse centered in the form, and touching the

sides of the form. Resize the form and/or click on the form again to

repeat the demonstration.

Additional reference words: 1.00