"'Text' Property is Read-Only" Setting Combo Box Text Property

ID Number: Q84056




If you assign a value to the Text property of a combo box with Style=2

(Dropdown list), you will receive a

'Text' property is read-only

error message. To assign a default value to a combo box with the Style

property set to 2, you need to set the ListIndex property of the combo

box. If you assign a value to the Text property of a combo box with

Style set to 0 (Dropdown Combo) or 1 (Simple Combo), you will not get

the above error message.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

A combo box combines the features of a text box and a list box. The

user can make a selection by selecting an item from its list or by

entering text in the text box portion of the combo box at the top of

the combo box.

If the Style property is set to 0 (Dropdown Combo) or 1 (Simple

Combo), the user can select an item in the list or enter text in the

text portion of the combo box. The text entered may or may not be an

item in the list. A default value for the combo box can be set either

by assigning a value to the ListIndex property or by assigning a value

to the Text property of the combo box.

However, if the Style property is set to 2 (Dropdown List), the user

can only select an item from the list. The user cannot enter text

directly in the text portion of the combo box. Therefore, a default

item for the combo box can be set by assigning a value to the

ListIndex property. The Text property of a combo box with Style set to

2 (Dropdown List) is read-only.


"Microsoft Visual Basic: Language Reference," version 1.0, page 311

Additional reference words: 1.00