INF: Custom Control Documentation Errors

ID Number: Q67243





The following is a list of documentation errors in chapter 20 of the

"Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Guide to Programming"

version 3.0:

1. Page 20-11: Table of exported functions and their ordinal values is


It is not necessary to export the ClassInit() [or LibMain()]

function. This function is called only once when the DLL is loaded

and is not called by the Dialog Editor or by any other application.

The ClassWndFn() function is the window procedure of the control

class. While this function must be exported, it is not necessary to

associate the ordinal value 5 with it. The ClassWndFn() may be

exported as any ordinal except 2, 3, 4, or 6.

2. Page 20-13: CTLTYPE pointer types not declared.

On this page, and in the Windows SDK include file CUSTCNTL.H, there

are no definitions of the various types of pointers to the CTLTYPE

structure. The following additional type declarations should be




3. Page 20-15: hCtlStyle parameter to ClassStyle() function is a

handle to global memory.

The hCtlStyle parameter to the ClassStyle() function should be

documented as a HANDLE to global memory. The ClassStyle() function

must call GlobalLock() on this handle to access the data, and must

call GlobalUnlock() when the data is no longer needed.

4. Page 20-16: Documentation for the dwStyle field in the CTLSTYLE

structure is incorrect.

The documentation for the dwStyle field incorrectly states that

"The high-order word contains the control specific flags, while the

low-order word contains the Windows-specific flags."

The statement in the documentation is backwards. The

Windows-specific flags are contained in the high-order word, and

the control-specific flags are contained in the low-order word.

5. Page 20-18: Documentation for the dwFlags parameter to the

ClassFlags() function is incorrect.

The first parameter of the ClassFlags() function is documented as a

DWORD, dwFlags. The first parameter is actually a WORD parameter,

wFlags. wFlags contains only the control-specific flags. The

Rainbow sample code provided in the SDK correctly uses a WORD


The description of the ClassFlags function incorrectly states that

"This function should not interpret the flags contained in the

high-order word since these are managed by the Dialog Editor."

There is no need for this statement because there is no high-order


6. Page 20-18: Documentation for the wMaxString parameter to the

ClassFlags() function is incorrect.

The documentation for this parameter states that this parameter

"Specifies the maximum length of the style ring." The last word

should be "string."