INF: Open File Dialog Features

ID Number: Q73678




Applications can now call the common dialog dynamic-link library (DLL)

to retrieve the name of a file that the user wants to manipulate.

Using this DLL provides a common interface for opening files across

applications, as well as eliminating dialog message processing within

the application's code. The filename returned is in appropriate form

to be passed directly to the OpenFile function, freeing the

application from parsing the full pathname.

More Information:

Features of the Open File dialog include:

- A list box of files, filtered by extension, in the current directory

- A list box of directories from root of current drive to current

directory, plus subdirectories

- A combo box of file types to list in filename list box

- A combo box of drives available, distinguished by drive type

- An optional "Read Only" check box

- An optional "Help" button

- An optional application hook function to modify standard behavior

- An optional dialog template to add private application features

See other knowledge base articles for details on using the interface

of the Open File dialog.