PRB: Returning Results from SQL Updates/Inserts to Q+E & Excel

ID Number: Q70954

1.10 1.11 4.20




When a query is sent to SQL Server through a DDE channel with Q+E,

only results from a SELECT statement are returned through the

channel once the query has completed. Because of this, if an update

or insert sent directly through the channel fails, nothing will be



One way to work around this problem is to create a stored procedure

on SQL Server that performs the insert/update and sends

confirmation back to Excel in the form of a result row generated by

a SELECT statement.

More Information:

The following is an example of a stored procedure that performs an

update and returns a result row specifying that the transaction

completed, noting the number of rows affected by the transaction:

create proc proc_1

@parm_old int,

@parm_new int


declare @err int

declare @rows voucher(10)


update table_1

set col1 = @parm_new

where col1 = @parm_old

select @err = @@error,

@rows = convert(voucher(10), @@rowcount)

if (@err = 0)

select Message = "Update successful: "

+ @rows + " affected."


One method of executing the above stored procedure from Excel involves

using the database functions provided by the QE.XLA add-in macro. An

example is as follows:

=DB.SQL.QUERY(2,"EXEC PROC1 1, 2",1)

If the update is successful, the macro will place a message in the

active cell stating that the update was successful and noting how many

rows were affected.

Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 4.20