Setup Kit Leaves VER.DLL, VBRUN100.DLL, SETUPKIT.DLL on Disk

ID Number: Q83801




The Visual Basic Setup Kit provides the necessary tools to write

professional setup programs using Visual Basic.

After your custom setup program ends, several files (VER.DLL,

VBRUN100.DLL, and SETUPKIT.DLL) needed during the installation phase

are not removed from your system. This is a design implementation of

the Setup Kit and is not considered to be a problem.

This information applies to Microsoft Professional Toolkit for

Microsoft Visual Basic 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

SETUP.EXE is a program that moves some required dynamic link libraries

(DLLs) and your custom setup program into the proper directory on the

hard disk. SETUP.EXE then performs a WinExec Windows API function of

your custom setup program, and then unloads itself.

The following files are installed in either the \WINDOWS directory or

the \SYSTEMS subdirectory because of the needs of the Setup Kit program:




Although these files were needed during the installation phase and may

not be needed by the program that was installed, you may want to avoid

deleting these files as you will not know if the files were on the

system prior to installation. Deleting these files may lead to

unpredictable results in other applications that may require the files

in the Windows environment.

Additional reference words: 1.00 SETUPKIT Set Up install