VB MDI Child Cannot Be Maximized/Minimized while Invisible

ID Number: Q83803




If you try to set an MDI Child custom control WindowState property to

Maximized (2) or Minimized (1) while its Visible property is set to

False (invisible), you will receive the following respective error


MDIChild cannot be maximized while invisible


MDIChild cannot be minimized while invisible

This information applies to Microsoft Professional Toolkit for

Microsoft Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

An MDI Child control with a WindowState property set to Maximized (2)

or Minimized (1) will revert to Normal (0) if the control's Visible

property is set to False. You must determine if you want the MDI Child

control WindowState property set to Maximized when you make the MDI

Child visible.

Additional reference words: 1.00