INF: Application Cannot Define Subset of the Gestures

ID Number: Q80325




If an application sets the ALC_GESTURE bit in the alc field of the RC

data structure, the Microsoft Recognizer can return any one of the

standard gestures defined by the system. There is no method to define

a subset of the standard gesture set.

More Information:

In the Windows for Pen Computing environment, an application can use

the alc field of the RC data structure to specify the set of

characters to use during recognition. Using this field, an application

can specify a predefined set of characters by using one of the

predefined flags, or it can define its own set of characters by using

the ALC_USEBITMAP option. The ALC_USEBITMAP option allows the

application to specify any subset of the 256 characters in the ANSI

character set. Unfortunately, there is no method for an application to

define a subset of the gesture set.

Some application developers have requested the ability to define

subsets of the standard gesture set. This request is under

consideration. Microsoft will post new information here as it becomes


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