INF: Removing Duplicate Rows from an Existing Table in SQL

ID Number: Q70956

1.10 1.11 4.20



The following script can be used to remove duplicate rows from a SQL

Server table:


INTO duplicate_table

FROM original_table

GROUP BY key_value

HAVING COUNT(key_value) > 1

DELETE original_table

WHERE key_value

IN (SELECT key_value

FROM duplicate_table)

INSERT original_table


FROM duplicate_table

DROP TABLE duplicate_table

When executed, this script moves one instance of any duplicate row in

the original table to a duplicate table. It then deletes all rows from

the original table that also reside in the duplicate table. Next, the

rows in the duplicate table are moved back into the original table.

Finally, the duplicate table is dropped.

While this method is simple, it does require that you have enough

space available in your database to temporarily build the duplicate


Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 4.20