PRB: Syntax Error Inserting DATETIME Data

ID Number: Q71054

1.10 1.11





When entering data that appears to be acceptable datetime format,

you may receive the error "Syntax error converting DATETIME from

character string."


On page 193 of the "Microsoft SQL Server Learning TRANSACT-SQL"

manual and page 81 of the "Microsoft SQL Server Language

Reference," (both from SQL Server versions 1.1x), the following is

shown as one of the acceptable formats for entering datetime data:

[15] Apr[il][,] [19]87

This incorrectly implies that entering "Apr 87" is an acceptable

format, and that the day of the month should default to the first.

However, it is not acceptable, and will generate a syntax error.


This is an error in the documentation. The correct syntax for

entering a datetime value in this format should be:

[15] Apr[il][,] 1987

Please note that the full four digits of the year must be present.

This problem has been corrected in the SQL Server version 4.2


Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 datetime docerr