INF: SQL Server and User Level Security

ID Number: Q72361

1.10 1.11 4.20



Setting up SQL Server under user-level security requires the following

three steps:

1. Grant permissions on the LAN to use pipes.

2. Create login IDs for named users on the LAN.

3. Grant privileges to the database users.

More Information:

Granting Permissions on Named Pipes


When attempting to install SQL Server on top of user-level security,

there are several extra steps necessary to prepare the LAN software,

the most important of which is to grant permissions on named pipes.

In user-level security, IPC$ (interprocess communications) is shared

automatically. However, before you can use named pipes, permissions to

use them must be granted.

Grant permissions through the LAN Manager's NetAdmin screen. The

following are the steps necessary to grant everyone on the LAN

permission to use pipes. Permissions may be restricted at a later


1. Start the NetAdmin screen by typing:


2. Choose Accounts from the main menu.

3. Choose Other Permissions.

4. Choose Named Pipes.

5. Choose Zoom.

6. Select the first *GROUP (that is, *ADMINS).

7. Choose Permitted access (Yes), or Permitted access: may change

permissions (Yes+P).

8. Choose Permit.

9. Choose Permit again until all *GROUPS are permitted (you may ignore

named USERS for the time being).

10. Choose OK and back out of NetAdmin.

This procedure is also documented on pages 237-239 of the "Microsoft

LAN Manager Administrator's Guide."

Please note that it is not necessary to start and stop the server for

these permissions to become effective.

The next step is to set up SQL Server. For more information on these

processes, see chapters 6 and 7 of the "Microsoft SQL Server System

Administrator's Guide."

Create Login IDs


Create login IDs only for those individuals who are also named users

on the LAN. This restriction is unique to user-level security. To add

new users, first make them users on the LAN. For more information on

creating LAN user accounts, see pages 93-97 of the "Microsoft LAN

Manager Administrator's Guide."

Create groups; in addition to any specialized groups, create a group

name called "guest". This is created as a group name, without a user

ID. It must be in lowercase letters. Users who log on to the SQL

Server as guest, will have the same privileges that have been granted

to public.

Grant Permissions


No privileges exist for users other than system administrator (SA) and

database owner (DBO), until they have been granted. In addition,

granting permissions in SQL Server is database specific. In other

words, permissions in one database may differ considerably from those

in another. It is generally advisable to create a script that grants

and revokes privileges for each database.