How to Create Column and Row Labels in VB Grid Custom Control

ID Number: Q84113




The example program below demonstrates how you can display labels in

the top row and left column of the Grid custom control at run time. It

is not possible to assign labels in a grid at design time.

This information applies to the Grid custom control provided with

Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Basic programming

system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

The example program below assigns labels to a grid from the Form_Load

event procedure. It puts numbers down the left, labeling the first

non-fixed row as "1". It puts letters across the top, labeling the

first 26 non-fixed columns as "A" through "Z" then subsequent columns

with "AA", "AB", and so on.

Steps to Create Example Program


1. Run Visual Basic, or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT,

F, N) if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 is created by


2. From the File menu, choose Add File. In the Files box, select the

GRID.VBX. The Grid tool appears in the Toolbox.

3. Select the Grid tool from the Toolbox, and place a grid (Grid1)

on Form1.

4. On the Properties bar, set the Grid Cols and Rows properties to 30.

5. Double-click the form to open the Code window. In the Procedure

box, select Load. Enter the following code:

Sub Form_Load ()

Dim i As Integer

' Make sure grid has at least one fixed column and row

If Grid1.FixedCols < 1 Or Grid1.FixedRows < 1 Then


End If

' Put letters across top

For i = 0 To Grid1.Cols - 2

Grid1.Col = i + 1

Grid1.Row = 0

Grid1.Text = Chr$(i Mod 26 + Asc("A"))

' If more than 26 columns, use double letter labels

If i + Asc("A") > Asc("Z") Then

Grid1.Text = Chr$(i \ 26 - 1 + Asc("A")) + Grid1.text

End If

Grid1.FixedAlignment(Grid1.Col) = 2 ' centered


' Put numbers down left edge

For i = 1 To Grid1.Rows - 1

Grid1.Col = 0

Grid1.Row = i

Grid1.Text = Format$(i)


Grid1.FixedAlignment(0) = 2 ' centered

End Sub

6. Press F5 to run the program.

Additional reference words: 1.00