ID Number: Q84235
Although the Graph version 1.2 custom control supplied with Microsoft
Professional Toolkit allows you to customize each graph to your
individual needs, Graph still maintains control over much of each
graph's appearance. Below is a list of limitations found in the Graph
1.2 custom control. The limitations are divided into four sections:
Labels, Fonts, Legends and Other.
This information applies to the Graph version 1.2 custom control
supplied with Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Visual Basic version
1.0 for Windows.
More Information:
- Graph does not allow you to change the left labels or adjust the
scale for the left labels in any way. It will either display its
default setting or calculate an appropriate scale from the data
entered into the GraphData property. All scales start at zero and
are in numerical form.
- You cannot label individual pieces of data. Labeling is restricted
to the titles, legends, and left and bottom axis labels.
- If the LabelText strings are long, Graph may print them in three
layers. You cannot force them to stay on one line.
- Graph only uses Courier font.
- You cannot rotate the fonts. The LeftTitle property will always be
displayed horizontally.
- Graph uses the largest font that it can fit onto the graph in a
given circumstance. BottomTitle and LeftTitle always use the same
font size; LabelText, LegendText, and the left axis labels use an
independent font size, and the GraphTitle uses a third.
- Graph will always attempt to display its titles, labels, and
legends regardless of how small it must make the font. When running
under Windows 3.0 where the fonts sizes are fixed, Windows itself
limits how small the font can be. Windows 3.1, however, does not
have a small font size limitation. When running under Windows 3.1,
Graph will allow its text to become so small that it is illegible.
- Graph does not supply a function that returns the currently used
font size.
- Legends always appear on the right.
- Graph determines the spacing between individual LegendText
properties. There is no way to compact or expand them.
- You cannot choose the symbol used in the legend or add your own.
Graph will choose a symbol that relates to the type of graph
currently displayed.
- You cannot specify the color for an individual piece of data if
there is more than one set of data. If there is only one set of
data then you can specify individual colors for each piece of data
by using the ColorData property.
- Only bar graphs have the option to switch their orientation by
displaying the bottom axis on the left and the left on the bottom.
The other graph types are limited to the standard vertical
- Graph lets you automatically redraw your graph after you reset a
property in the environment. At run time, however, you must
explicitly call for the graph to be repainted by calling:
Graph1.DrawMode=2 ' redraw
Additional reference words: 1.00