INF: Number of Open Objects Allowed in SQL Server

ID Number: Q72631

1.10 1.11



Although SAF and sp_configure state that the maximum number of open

objects that are allowed is 10,000, the actual maximum allowed in SQL

Server version 1.1 or 1.11 on the OS/2 platform is 936.

More Information:

The structure holding information about the open objects is limited to

64K. Since each open object requires about 70 bytes, the limit is

reached at 936 objects. If this limit is set above 936, SQL Server

will not start. The error in the errorlog states

Not enough space for descriptors - requested XXXXXX

where XXXXXX is a value that depends on the number of open objects

that were requested. To restart SQL Server, change to the

directory containing MASTER.DAT and run the following two commands,

pressing the ENTER key to accept the defaults for the database name

and the disk controller number:

bldmastr -ycdesnum=100

bldmastr -ycfgdes=100

This sets the open objects to 100. At this point, start SQL Server

and modify the open objects parameter using the SAF menus or

sp_configure to any number between 100 and 936.

This problem was corrected in SQL Server version 4.2, where open

objects can be set to 10,000 without any problems.