Helv and Tms Rmn FontNames Not Available in Windows 3.1

ID Number: Q84470




Helv and Tms Rmn are no longer listed in the Settings box of the

Properties bar as selections for the FontName property in Visual Basic

under Windows 3.1. By default, Windows 3.1 maps the fonts Helv and Tms

Rmn to MS Sans Serif and MS Serif, respectively.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Visual Basic uses Helv as the default setting for the FontName

property of forms and controls. That font is still the default

setting for FontName in Visual Basic, even though it is no longer a

system font in Windows 3.1. Helv and Tms Rmn are no longer listed in

the drop-down list box in the Properties bar.

In Windows 3.1, Helv is mapped to MS Sans Serif and Tms Rmn is mapped

to MS Serif by default. This appears in the [FontSubstitutes] section

of the WIN.INI file. Therefore, FontName can still be set to Helv or

Tms Rmn at run-time without producing any errors, even though they are

no longer available. Windows will instead use the existing fonts to

which they are mapped.

Additional reference words: 1.00