Some Controls Not Printed with PrintForm Under Windows 3.1

ID Number: Q84471





Under Windows version 3.1, if you print a Visual Basic form to a

printer by either selecting Print from the File menu during design

time or by using the PrintForm method during run time, some of the

controls on the form may not be not be printed (such as the frame,

command button, option button, or check box). This problem is known to

occur when using Windows 3.0 video drivers under Windows 3.1. The

problem is also known to occur with third-party video drivers that

claim to be Windows 3.1 compatible. The problem does not occur when

you run Visual Basic under Windows 3.0.

To overcome this problem, delete the old video driver and install the

new Windows 3.1 compatible driver. This can be done through Windows

Setup (see your Windows 3.1 manual for details).

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

This problem may result when you install Windows 3.1, as some of the

Windows 3.0 video drivers may not be updated.

Steps to Reproduce Problem


To reproduce the problem, do the following (using a Windows 3.0 video

driver under Windows 3.1):

1. Run Visual Basic, or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT,

F, N) if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 is created by


2. Add controls to Form1 (such as frame, command button, check box,

and option button).

3. From the File Menu, choose Print.

4. In the Print dialog box, select Current and Form.

5. Choose the OK button to start printing.

6. Note that the frame, command button, and option button are not


7. Add the following code to the Form1 Click event:


8. Press F5 to run the program.

9. Click on the form.

10. Note that the frame, command button, and the check box are not


To overcome this problem, delete the old video driver and install the

new Windows 3.1 compatible driver. You can do this through Windows

Setup (see your Windows 3.1 manual for details).

Additional reference words: 1.00