INF: Reasons Why Q+E Update of SQL Server Table May Fail

ID Number: Q72809

1.10 1.11 4.20



Q+E uses browse mode to allow the user to scroll through a SQL Server

table while updating row values one at a time. Because a row being

browsed is not the actual row in the database, but a row residing in

the client's program variables, Q+E must ensure that updates made by

other users are not incorrectly overwritten.

As a result, when using Q+E to update rows in SQL Server tables, the

following error message may occur:

Update of record n failed. It may have been updated by

another user.

There are two reasons why this error may occur:

1. There may actually be another user connected to SQL Server who has

modified the data after you opened your query window. To

successfully execute the update, close and reopen the query window.

2. Each query window in Q+E maintains a separate connection to SQL

Server; therefore, it is possible to open multiple query windows

that contain the same result rows. However, updating a value in a

particular row and column of one query window renders you unable

to update the value in the corresponding row and column of

the other query windows. For this reason, all updates to a

particular set of result rows should be made from only one query
