INF: Linking Embedded SQL for COBOL MS-DOS Apps with COBLIB

ID Number: Q72944

1.10 1.11 4.20



It is possible to create an Embedded SQL for COBOL application that

links with COBLIB and COBAPI and runs under MS-DOS.

More Information:

To do this with the SQLDOS program example shipped with the Embedded

SQL for COBOL Developer's Kit, change the SQLDOS NMAKE file so that it

links with COBLIB instead of LCOBOL. Change the link line from

link sqldos.obj+sqlinit.obj+mfc6intf+c6doslb,,,lcobol+cobapi+llibcer+\

sqlakd+rldblib /NOE /NOD /NOF /NOP;

to the following:

link sqldos.obj+sqlinit.obj+mfc6intf+c6doslb,,,coblib+cobapi+llibcer+\

sqlakd+rldblib /NOE /NOD /NOF /NOP;

Note that this will require the environment variable COBPOOL to be set

before running this program under MS-DOS. To do this, type "SET

COBPOOL=10" (without the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS prompt. For

more information about the COBPOOL environment variable, consult your

"Microsoft COBOL Operating Guide" or query on the following words:

PRB: and R6009 and environment and space and ESQL and COBOL

Additional reference words: Embedded SQL for COBOL