VB THREED.VBX: Command, Group Push Buttons Show Invalid Files

ID Number: Q84553





The Picture property for 3-D Command Button and 3-D Group Push Button

custom controls can load certain picture formats. However, the 3-D

Command Button Load Picture dialog box incorrectly shows *.WMF in the

File Name box. This mistakenly indicates that .WMF (Windows metafile)

files can be used for pictures. Also, the 3-D Group Push Button Load

Picture dialog box for the PictureUp, PictureDn, and PictureDisabled

properties incorrectly lists *.WMF and *.ICO in the File Name box.

This mistakenly indicates that .WMF and .ICO files can be used for


The 3-D Command Button control Picture property can only use .BMP

(bitmap) and .ICO (icon) files. If you attempt to load a .WMF file,

the following error message will be displayed:

Only picture formats ".BMP" & ".ICO" supported

The 3-D Group Push Button control PictureUp, PictureDn, and

PictureDisabled properties can only use .BMP files. If you attempt to

load a .ICO or .WMF file, the following error message will be


Only picture format ".BMP" supported

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Professional

Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for

Windows. We are researching this problem and will post new information

here as it becomes available.

Additional reference words: 1.00