VB GRID Control: ColWidth/RowHeight Take LONG Integer Argument

ID Number: Q84554





The "Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Visual Basic: Custom Control

Reference" incorrectly lists the Width and Height arguments as integer

(%) for the Grid custom control ColWidth and RowHeight properties. The

arguments should be listed as long integers (&).

This information applies to Microsoft Professional Toolkit for

Microsoft Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Pages 162 and 167 in the "Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Visual

Basic: Custom Control Reference" list the arguments for Width and

Height as being integer, when in fact the arguments are long integers.

The Usage section should be changed to read as follows:

Page 162


[form.]Grid.ColWidth(Index%)[= width&]

Page 167


[form.]Grid.RowHeight(Index%)[= height&]

For example, Grid1.ColWidth(0) = 35000 is a valid statement.

2147483647 is the largest possible value that ColWidth can have,

because that is the largest value expressible in Visual Basic as a

long integer. However, a column of that width would not be useful or


Additional reference words: 1.00