PRB: LAN Manager Maxusers Limits SQL Server Connections

ID Number: Q73216




DB-LIBRARY (dblib) applications cannot connect to a SQL Server

running on a LAN Manager network; they receive a dblib error 10004.

DOS and OS/2 ISQL return "DB-Library: Unable to connect: SQL Server

is unavailable or does not exist." OS/2 SAF returns "The specified

SQL Server is not running. OK to start?" DOS SAF returns "Error!

Couldn't connect with server. Error number 10004."


The LAN Manager maxusers parameter limits the number of users who

can use the server simultaneously. When LAN Manager is installed,

maxusers is set to 10 by default.


Using the LAN Manager Setup program, choose View/Modify from the

Actions menu and increase the Maximum Users setting in the Server

Primary Parameters dialog box.

Note that the "Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Reference"

states on page 218 that the value of maxusers should include the

number allowed by your LAN Manager Additional User Pak(s), plus the

number of users accessing the server through interprocess

communication (IPC) connections (for example, named pipes used by

network application programs, such as the NET RUN command or

Microsoft SQL Server).