PRSQL9106008: Rule Violation on Table Causes tempdb Problems

ID Number: Q73555




Problem ID: PRSQL9106008


Upon violation of a rule on a work table, the following errors will

be displayed:

A column insert or update conflicts with a rule imposed by a

previous create rule command. The command was aborted. The

conflict occurred in database 'tempdb', table XXX, column YYY

(MSG 513, state 1, severity 16).

Attempt to fetch logical page 0 in database 'tempdb' belongs to

object 'ALLOCATION' not to object 'syslogs'

(Msg 605, state 1, severity 21).

The SQL Server is terminating this process

(Msg 5702, state 1, severity 0).


The insert needed to create a work table. While trying to insert

into the work table, a rule was violated. This rule violation caused

the tempdb problems and termination of the process.


Restructure the query to avoid the creation of a work table. For

example, remove a distinct clause that might be used in an embedded



Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server Version

1.1. Microsoft is researching this problem and will post new

information here as it becomes available.