PRB: Problem Creating New Login

ID Number: Q73559





When trying to create a new login and user name, the following

message is received:

User already has a login under a different name.

This happens using either SAF or the system procedures (sp_addlogin

followed by sp_adduser).


This problem occurs only if the numerically last login [that is,

the login in the syslogins table with max(suid)] has been deleted

from the syslogins table and the username(s) associated with it

have not been deleted. Any login/user name combination created

thereafter may receive the above message.

In the sp_addlogin procedure, a unique identifier (suid) for a new

login is generated by using max(suid+1) in the query. If the

numerically last login in the syslogins table is deleted, its suid

will be reused by whatever login is created next. In addition, if

the user names previously associated with this suid were not

deleted, the mappings will still exist from the syslogins table in

the master database to the sysusers table(s) in the other

database(s). Note that this will also be the case if the last (n)

logins are deleted without deleting the associated user names since

all the suid's will be reused.

The following are two example situations in which the above can


Using SAF Menu Functions


1. If the default database for the new login is the same as that

for the login just deleted, then the user receives the message

mentioned above, that is, "User already has a login under a

different name." The new user name is disregarded and the old

user name is granted privileges again.

2. The default database specified for the new login is different

from that for the login just deleted. In this case, the user

receives no message. The new login is created in the master

database. The new user name is created in the default database.

In addition, the mapping with the old user name is maintained.

This is possible because a login can have several user names

associated with it provided they are in different databases.


Under most circumstances, neither SAF nor the stored procedures

will notify the user to drop a login that has associated user

names. Thus, whenever a login is to be deleted, ALL the user names

associated with it (in one or several databases) must be deleted.

This is mentioned on page 83 of the "Microsoft SQL Server System

Administrator's Guide." This problem becomes immediately noticeable

only if the numerically last login is dropped.