ID Number: Q73579
buglist1.10 fixlist1.16
Problem ID: PRSQL9106014
Dbaltbind() fails to properly bind results using either
VARYBINDBIND or VARYCHARBIND with the varlen parameter set to -1,
0, or 3.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in DB-LIBRARY (dblib)
version 1.1. This problem was corrected in DB-LIBRARY version 1.16,
which is available from Microsoft Product Support Services. For
more information, please contact your primary support provider.
More Information:
With these two types of binding, a minimum of 3 bytes must be returned
to the DB-LIBRARY application. Attempting to pass a 1 or 2 as the
varlen parameter will result in an "Operating-System Error 0" when the
compute row is fetched using dbnextrow().