INF: PostScript Fonts Have Two Font Names

ID Number: Q77215




A PostScript font has two font names:

1. The Windows name for the font, such as "AvantGarde," which appears

in the font list in the Fonts dialog box in Control Panel.

2. The PostScript name for the font, such as "itc avant garde gothic,"

which can vary by printer manufacturer and which the printer driver

sends to the printer to select the font.

More Information:

If the font is a downloadable soft font defined in the printer font

metrics (PFM) file format, the Windows name and the PostScript name

for a font can be determined. The PFM file header has a field (dfFace)

that points to the Windows font name and a field (dfDriverInfo) that

points to the driver-specific PostScript font name.

If the font is an internal printer font defined for a specific

printer, it is necessary to enumerate fonts in a given printer driver

to find the Windows font name. There is no device-independent way to

retrieve the PostScript font name for an internally defined printer


For more information concerning the PostScript PFM file format, refer

to Chapter 4 of the "Microsoft Windows Device Development Kit Printers

and Fonts Kit."

Additional reference words: 3.00