PRSQL9110014: Stored Procedure Group Problem After Re-Creating

ID Number: Q77746




Problem ID: PRSQL9110014


Only one procedure out of a group of stored procedures can be

executed after dumping, dropping, re-creating, and loading the

database. For example, after creating a group of stored procedures

test;1, test;2, and test;3, the database was dumped, dropped, then

re-created on the same devices, and loaded back from the dump.

Subsequently, only the procedure that was first executed from the

group can be executed. Any attempts to execute the remaining two

produce the following error message:

Stored procedure 'test' not found.

(msg 2812, Level 16, State 2)


After retrieving to a file the text for the entire group of stored

procedures with the stored procedure "sp_helptext", drop the entire

group of procedures with "drop proc test". Re-create the stored

procedure group using the text retrieved above.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version

1.11. This problem does not occur in SQL Server version 4.2.

Additional reference words: 1.11