INF: OLE Clipboard Formats and Conventions

ID Number: Q83659




Because most object linking and embedding (OLE) server applications

can support a number of data formats, the OLE specification defines a

data format convention that determines which data format a server

application uses to place data on the clipboard. This article explains

the Native, OwnerLink, and ObjectLink OLE clipboard data formats.

More Information:

An OLE server application must call the RegisterClipboardFormat

function to register the Native, OwnerLink, and ObjectLink OLE data

formats. An OLE server application provides the data, which an OLE

client application stores. The OLE libraries use the data to

reconstruct an object when required.

Contents of OLE Formats


The Native data format presents the server application's internal data

structures. In the process of opening and editing an embedded object,

the server application reconstructs the object from native data. The

structure of the data is defined only by the server application.

The OwnerLink data format describes an embedded object, identifying

the class, document name, and name of an object. Each of these data is

a null-terminated string. A server application creates OwnerLink data

by concatenating the three identifying strings, with a null terminator

on each, and appending a final null terminator. The following string

is an example of OwnerLink data for a portion of a bitmap saved from

Windows Paintbrush:

Paintbrush Picture\0Unused\0(20,10)-(90,100)\0\0

In the example above, Paintbrush Picture identifies the class of the

object. Because the OwnerLink data format describes an embedded

object, the document name field is not used in OLE version 1.0. The

application specifies "Unused" as a place holder. The coordinates in

the object name field describe the object. Other applications can use

a name such as "Figure #1234."

The ObjectLink data format describes a linked object. While it

contains the same data as the OwnerLink format, the document name and

object name fields are much more important. For example, a linked

object that originated in Paintbrush might be described with

ObjectLink data as in the following:

Paintbrush Picture\0c:\\BITMAP.BMP\0(20,10)-(90,100)\0\0

The class name field is the same as the OwnerLink data. In this

format, the document name identifies the actual filename of the link,

and the object name identifies the portion of the file that makes up

the object. Because a linked object is not required to refer to the

entire file, the object name must identify the portion of the file

that makes up the actual object. Another application may use a

different object name, such as a range of cells in a spreadsheet, a

slide number in a presentation, or a page number and line number in a


Placing OLE Data on the Clipboard


When the user cuts or copies data to the clipboard, an OLE server

application renders the data to the clipboard. The OLE server must

render the data in the three OLE formats, as appropriate. If the

server can support other data formats, it can also render the data in

these formats. The following list presents the data formats. The

format that preserves the most information is listed first; subsequent

formats lose fidelity.

- Application-specific data

- Native OLE format

- OwnerLink OLE format


- CF_DIB or CF_BITMAP format

- ObjectLink OLE format

- Any other data formats in any desired order

A server application renders data in OwnerLink format only when it can

provide an embedded object. It renders data in ObjectLink format only

when the server has a known filename in which the object is stored,

and only when the user is copying the data to the clipboard. If the

object is new and it does not have a known filename, or if the user is

cutting the data to the clipboard, the server does not provide the

ObjectLink data format.

The CF_BITMAP, CF_DIB, and CF_METAFILEPICT formats provide a static

graphic representation of an object. An OLE server application should

always provide data in CF_METAFILEPICT format.

Additional reference words: 3.10