INF: Change in Hex Literal Interpretation with C 6.0 and 7.0

ID Number: Q58488

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 | 6.00 6.00a



ANSI mandates that the \0x... character constant doesn't end until the

first nonhexadecimal character, regardless of how many characters that

may involve.

More Information:

Microsoft C version 5.1 ends the constant at the third character or

just before the first nonhexadecimal character, regardless of whether

characters after the third were valid hexadecimal characters.

Therefore, while "abc\x34564gh" is represented in version 5.1 as shown


Character a b c E 6 4 g h

Hex 61 62 63 45 36 34 67 68

Decimal 97 98 99 69 54 52 103 104

note that the character after "c" is "\x345". Because this has to fit

in 1 byte, and the rules of C say that the low bits are preserved when

converting to a shorter type, "\x345" is equivalent to "\x45".

In Microsoft C version 6.0, the string is represented as follows:

Character a b c d g h

Hex 61 62 63 64 67 68

Decimal 97 98 99 100 103 104

Note that "\x34564" -- the character after the "c" -- is equivalent to

"\x64" for the same reason as "\x345" was equivalent to "\x45" under

the old rules above. The hexadecimal constant includes all the

characters up to but not including the nonhexadecimal character "g"

because of the rule change described above. C 6.0 issues a warning if

the character is too large to fit in 1 byte -- C 5.1 compiles such

code without warnings.

The best workaround for this change is to end the string immediately

after the hex character, and restart it. For instance, the string

"abc\x34""564gh" is interpreted by both C 5.1 and C 6.0 as containing

the following:

Character a b c 4 5 6 4 g h

Hex 61 62 63 34 35 36 34 67 68

Decimal 97 98 99 52 53 54 52 103 104

Such a string works properly when compiled using any ANSI-compatible


Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00