ID Number: Q75404
1.10 1.11 4.20
There is no simple limit on the complexity of a WHERE clause.
The terms in a WHERE clause such as
WHERE ((c1= '10') or (c1= '20') or (c1= '40'))
AND ((c2 = 'aa') or (c2 = 'bb') or (c2 = 'cc'))
AND (c3 = 'mm')
AND ((c4 = 'aaabbbccc') or (c4 = 'bbbcccdd'))
AND ((c5 = '11111') or (c5 = '22222'))
are encoded into a tree structure consisting of AND nodes and OR
nodes. The nodes are linked together to represent the logical
structure of the predicate. In the above case, the AND nodes are peers
at the top level and each AND node has a chain of OR nodes linked to
it. If the ORs had ANDs inside them, the tree would be structured
accordingly. If even those ANDs had ORs within them, the tree
structure could still handle it.
| |
| OR->(c1='20')
| :
| |
| OR->(c2='bb')
| :
: :
This illustrates that the only limit is the storage available for the
linked lists. Each node has a pair of pointers (4 bytes each) and some
status information (<10 bytes). Nodes that represent constants (such
as 'aaabbbccc') require additional space for the constant. When the
tree representing the entire SQL statement exceeds available storage
in procedure cache, a message to that effect appears (#703).
Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 4.20