INF: Clearing a Message Box

ID Number: Q74444




During the processing of the MessageBox() function, Windows creates a

bitmap to save the part of the screen covered by the message box.

Normally, before the MessageBox() function returns, Windows repaints

the portion of the screen covered by the message box using the bitmap.

In this scenario, when the user clicks on a button to dismiss the

message box, the message box disappears immediately.

It is important to note that under low memory conditions, Windows will

discard the bitmap. If the bitmap is discarded and a significant

amount of processing takes place between the MessageBox() call and

painting the application's window, the vestigial image of the message

box will remain on the screen during the processing. If the user

clicks on this image with the mouse, the underlying window will

receive the mouse messages. This can cause unexpected (and possibly

undesirable) effects.

To address this problem, call UpdateWindow() immediately after

MessageBox(). The parameter to UpdateWindow() should be the parent

window of the message box (or of the application's main window if the

message box has no parent). This will cause the application to paint

the affected window if the bitmap has been discarded. The message box

will disappear immediately under all circumstances.