INF: Commenting Out Blocks of Code and Comments for Debugging

ID Number: Q39312

5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 | 5.10 6.00 6.00a



The C language does not support the use of nested comments. This might

appear to be a limitation in cases where it is necessary, perhaps for

debugging purposes, to comment out a block of code that contains

comments. However, this situation can be overcome by using the

much more powerful preprocessor commands #if and #endif.

The #if preprocessor command evaluates a constant expression to either

true (which has the value 1) or false (which has the value 0) to

perform conditional compilation. If the expression equates to true,

the code segment will be compiled. If it equates to false, it will be

ignored by the compiler. Therefore, if the syntax below is used,

the enclosed block of code will be forever ignored by the compiler,

giving a convenient method of effectively commenting out a block of


Because the expression in the #if can be any constant expression, you

can make complicated tests. You can even use the /Dconst=value switch

on the CL command line to set a preprocessor symbol that will include

or exclude the debugging code when you compile. This technique is

described more fully on pages 75-77 of the "Microsoft C Optimizing

Compiler User's Guide" versions 5.x manual.

More Information:

The following is a simple example:

#define OUT 0

#if OUT /* will always equate to "false" */

/* code and comments that you wish to remove are here */


Additional reference words: 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00