Help Databases Not Properly Decoded by HELPMAKE.EXE

ID Number: Q68989

1.03 1.05 1.06 1.07 | 1.03 1.05 1.06 1.07


buglist1.03 buglist1.05 buglist1.06 buglist1.07


When using HELPMAKE.EXE to decode concatenated help databases, you

must use the "Decode Split" option (/DS). If a concatenated help

database is decoded with either "Decode" (/D) or "Decode Unformatted"

(/DU), HELPMAKE may be caught in an infinite loop that will eventually

fill the hard disk.

More Information:

If OS2.HLP is decoded with

helpmake /D /Ooutfile OS2.HLP

HELPMAKE will decompress the first database in OS2.HLP over and over

until either the disk fills up or you stop the program (with a

CTRL+BREAK, for instance).

If OS2.HLP is decoded with

helpmake /DS OS2.HLP

it is broken into STRUCT.HLP, MACROS.HLP, and TABLES.HLP. These help

files can then be decoded properly with the /D or /DU option.

If you don't know how a help file is assembled, the following are the

steps to take to decompress it:

1. Save a backup copy of the help file in case of problems.

2. Rename the help file to "TEMP.HLP".

3. Split the file as follows:


If the file is not a concatenated database, you will get a single

file with the name of the help database as it was originally built

(the internal database name).

If the file is a concatenated database, you will get individual

help files with the internal database names. For OS2.HLP, these are


4. Decode the resulting files as follows:



Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with HELPMAKE.EXE versions

1.03, 1.05, and 1.06. We are researching this problem and will post new

information here as it becomes available.