Always Use Latest Version of HIMEM and Other Memory Utilities

ID Number: Q60830

2.50 2.60



The newest versions of the memory management utilities (HIMEM.SYS,

RAMDRIVE.SYS, and SMARTDRV.SYS) should be used at all times. For

instance, if you use CodeView Version 3.00 (first shipped with

Microsoft C Version 6.00) and you use a version of HIMEM.SYS earlier

than what was shipped with the C 6.00 package, you may experience a

number of problems, including the following:

1. You may get spurious error messages such as "Not enough extended

memory available," even if you have more than enough extended

memory installed.

2. You may receive the error "CV1319: CodeView initialization error"

when trying to invoke CodeView.

3. Your computer may hang or reboot.

More Information:

As memory management technology progresses, the Microsoft tools and

utilities that use the technology are also updated. Therefore, it is

critical that the latest versions of the memory utilities (HIMEM.SYS,

RAMDRIVE.SYS, SMARTDRV.SYS, etc.) be installed. Tools such as CodeView

and the Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) depend on features that are

available only in the latest versions.