ID Number: Q51723
1.00 1.01 | 1.01
NMAKE does not accept a dot (.) to identify the current directory in
inference rule paths. When specifying paths for each of the
extensions, using the following form
and using "{.}" (without the quotation marks) to indicate the current
directory for the "topath", causes the following error:
NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'filename.ext'
To work around this, the current directory for topath must be
specified with "{}". However, both notations are acceptable when
specifying the "frompath".
More Information:
The following makefile causes the error:
.SUFFIXES: .h .c .obj .exe
jbo=grdemo.obj turtle.obj menu.obj
cc=qcl -c
#inference rules
{d:\qc2\work}.c{.}.obj: #*** the '{.}' must be '{}' ***
$(cc) $<
link $(**R),,, graphics.lib;
run: d:\qc2\lib\grdemo.exe
d:\qc2\lib\*.obj: d:\qc2\work\*.c
d:\qc2\lib\grdemo.exe: $(jbo)