INF: SHOWHITS Limited To 5000 Hits

ID Number: Q76681




The SHOWHITS source profiler, shipped with the Windows Software

Development Kit (SDK) version 3.0, is limited in the number of profile

records that it can process; it is limited to 5000 hits.

Microsoft has developed a multiplatform source profiler. The Microsoft

Source Profiler is available at a suggested retail price of $79.00. It

will be offered to registered users of Microsoft language products for

$49.95. In the United States, inquiries can be directed to the

Microsoft Information Center at (800) 426-9400. Outside the United

States, direct product inquiries to the Microsoft subsidiary that

serves your country.

For additional information on this product, query on the words:

multiplatform and source and profiler

Additional reference words: profiler showhits 3.00