INF: Directly Accessing Video Memory from a C Program

ID Number: Q12010

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This article contains a sample C function that shows how to directly

access video memory beginning at segment B800 in the MS-DOS


More Information:

When programs access special memory directly, they become less

portable, and may not run as expected on other or future machines.

Given this warning, the sample code below is a function that directly

accesses video memory.

Sample Code


/* Video.c -- Function to place a character and its standard

attribute into the desired video memory page.

Note: This function assumes that the display is set to

color or monochrome, 80-column, text mode.


/* Compile options needed: none


#include <dos.h>

#define MAKELONG(a, b) ((long)(((unsigned)a) \

| ((unsigned long)((unsigned)b)) << 16))


void video(int pageno, int row, int col, char *ch, char attrib)

/* pageno : page number to load character into (0 to 3) */

/* row : row of location 0 to 24 */

/* col : column of location 0 to 79 */

/* ch : character to be placed there */

/* attrib : standard character attribute */


unsigned int offset; /* Offset from the segment address of

the desired video page */

char far *y; /* Long pointer to the position in memory

where we will put the character and

its attribute (next byte) */

/* Calc the in-page offset w/page number offset and segment address */

offset = (unsigned int) ((row * 160 )+(col*2)+(pageno*4096));

/* Set the character. */

y = (char far *)MAKELONG( offset, COLORTEXT_BUFFER);

*y = *ch;

/* Set the attribute byte. See an MS-DOS programmer's reference for

more information on video attributes. */


y = (char far *)MAKELONG( offset, COLORTEXT_BUFFER);

*y = attrib;


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